Eating Disorders: History of Binge-Eating Disorder and Teens

NEDA Hotline In 1959, psychiatrist Albert Stunkard wrote a paper describing binge eating disorder. At the time, binge eating disorder was not named – but Stunkard described it as an eating pattern that involved consuming an excessive amount of food at irregular times. He described this eating pattern as one that usually happened at night. Eventually, “binge-eating” became the term used to describe excessive eating, no matter what time of day it occurred. Let’s talk history. Before the 1950s, binge-eating would have been hard for the average person to achieve – most people did not have the ability to purchase … Continue reading Eating Disorders: History of Binge-Eating Disorder and Teens

Eating Disorders: History of OSFED and Teens

NEDA Hotline OSFED or Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder was first established in the 2013 release of the DSM-5. The DSM-5 stands for the 5th Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a manual that is released by the American Psychological Association. But, OSFED isn’t actually new. People who met the criteria for OSFED before – i.e. people who met most but not quite all of the criteria for Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia Nervosa – used to be given a different diagnosis, EDNOS (Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified). The problem with this, though, is that EDNOS … Continue reading Eating Disorders: History of OSFED and Teens